Black Mental Health Matters: Therapy in the Black Community

By Syd Sukalski February is Black History Month, a time when, as a country, we reflect on and honor the contributions African American people have made and continue to make to our nation. This month, we celebrate people like Rosa Parks, Barack Obama, Martin Luther King Jr., and so many others who fought for their rightsContinue reading “Black Mental Health Matters: Therapy in the Black Community”

The Benefits of Couples Therapy

By Syd Sukalski You and your partner are considering couples therapy, but you aren’t sure whether it is for you. Well, look no further. In this article, we will talk about couples therapy, what it is, who it’s for, and some of its many benefits. But before we dive into talking about couples therapy, let usContinue reading “The Benefits of Couples Therapy”

Why Should You Choose a Licensed Therapist

By Syd Sukalski “Therapy is too expensive.” “I’ll be in therapy forever if I start now!” “They’ll put me on pills that’ll make me even more depressed.” …There are a lot of stigmas that surround the world of therapy and counseling. Things are getting better as far as the world’s acceptance of mental health as a medicalContinue reading “Why Should You Choose a Licensed Therapist”